— Sharon Salzburg
whole·ness /ˈhōlnəs/ noun
1. the state of forming a complete and harmonious whole; unity: “the work lacked a sense of wholeness and meaning” 2. the state of being unbroken or undamaged: “the wholeness of the buildings is exceedingly well preserved”
The first in a twenty-part bi-weekly series.
Purity and pollution motifs run through human culture, and these themes express themselves most vociferously in our religious traditions. But what if wholeness instead morality informed our understanding of ‘holiness.’ With wholeness leading our idea of holiness, we witness how the fabric of the interdependent universe beautifully hangs together, on its own, in the Present moment.
In life’s poetic and quantum tapestry, our lives become a luminous and radically important thread in this whol(ē)ness.
whol(ē)ness offers a unitive, healing, helping way of being, instead of tying ourselves to unrealistic and culturally determined purity-pollution norms. Steered by intentional, transformational practices, whol(ē)ness allows us to live in and with awareness, instead of acting from internalized feelings of guilt, failure, insufficiency, striving, success, sanctimony, and superiority.
It’s the mystical path, the creative call, the Voice underneath all voices, the Voice uniting the world’s prophets, poets, seers, visionaries, and luminaries, no matter how grand or modest the life.
I hope you will join us. — JH
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